Nordic SeaFarm and Its Joint Venture company Ocean Next to Showcase Swedish Innovation in Sea Cultivation at Grüne Woche 2024

On January 19, 2024, Sweden’s pavilion at the prestigious international food and agriculture fair, Grüne Woche in Berlin, is set to welcome an estimated 300,000 visitors. Selected to represent Sweden’s innovative approach to sustainable food production, Nordic SeaFarm, a leader in sustainable seaweed cultivation, along with its joint venture company Ocean Next, specializing in seaweed-based food products, will highlight the nation’s commitment to sustainable sea cultivation and innovative Blue Food solutions.

Camilla Bender Larson, Agricultural Development Officer at the Swedish Board of Agriculture (Jordbruksverket) and project leader for the Swedish initiative, remarked, “Our goal is to promote Sweden as a hub for innovative and sustainable food production, with a special focus on sea cultivation. Grüne Woche presents an invaluable opportunity for our companies to engage with a global audience and showcase our cutting-edge products.”

Nordic Seafarm, renowned for its eco-friendly seaweed cultivation practices, and Ocean Next, focusing on creating consumer-friendly seaweed-based food products, are at the forefront of Sweden’s representation at the fair. They exemplify the theme of innovation, a key aspect of the Swedish pavilion’s diverse offerings. Among the showcased products will be Ocean Next’s sugar kelp-infused Seaweed Crackers, a prime example of innovative Swedish culinary developments in the realm of Blue Food. These products symbolize the successful collaboration between Nordic Seafarm’s sustainable cultivation practices and Ocean Next’s consumer-oriented approach.

The Swedish Board of Agriculture’s initiative, “See, Taste, and Experience Sweden,” aims to promote Sweden’s unique allemansrätten (everyman’s right) and sustainable fishing practices. This year, the initiative will include a dedicated area within the pavilion for these themes.

As the grand opening on January 19 approaches, Christina Nordin, Director General of the Swedish Board of Agriculture, and Veronika Wand-Danielsson, Sweden’s Ambassador in Berlin, are preparing to inaugurate the pavilion. Nordic Seafarm and Ocean Next, along with other participants, are receiving extensive support to showcase their innovative approaches effectively.

Nordic Seafarm and Ocean Next invite media representatives, industry professionals, and the general public to visit their booth at Grüne Woche to experience and taste the sustainable and innovative solutions that represent the best of Swedish agriculture in sea cultivation.

For media inquiries, please contact:
Jonatan Gerrbo
Community Manager
[email protected]
‭+46 70-814 06 92‬