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Article in Impact Loop: New Joint Venture

The impact companies are starting something new together – this is what they aim to do: "Underutilized"

Simon Hilmersson, Nordic Seafarm, and Liselotte Tingvall, FutureLab & Partners. Photo: press images.
Simon Hilmersson, Nordic Seafarm, and Liselotte Tingvall, FutureLab & Partners. Photo: press images.

The seaweed farmer Nordic Seafarm and the innovation partner FutureLab & Partners are joining forces to create the new company Manatee Biomaterials. Impact Loop can now reveal more about what the new company will do.

Impact Loop has previously written about the company Nordic Seafarm, which cultivates seaweed on the west coast of Sweden. Last summer, they raised 25 million SEK in capital from investors including EIT InnoEnergy and IKEA.

Now, they are launching a new company together with FutureLab & Partners, which invests in and develops everything from paper-based packaging to biomaterials and greener industrial processes. In the new company, Manatee Biomaterials, they will develop new materials based on seaweed. “We are a raw material supplier that cultivates seaweed on a large scale in the ocean—that is our area of expertise. When we found a partner specializing in materials, it felt natural to join forces and create a jointly owned company,” says Nordic Seafarm’s founder and CEO, Simon Hilmersson, who will also serve as the CEO of the new company.

To Replace Plastic

The idea for the new company emerged when both businesses received inquiries specifically about seaweed-based materials. The goal now is to develop materials that can replace plastic and be used in packaging and furniture components. Additionally, they may sell seaweed in bulk and as customized solutions.

"The ocean is underutilized, both as a food source and as a raw material for production. With the increasing competition for resources like forests in the future, we can help ease the pressure on other types of materials," says Simon Hilmersson.

The company will start on a small scale, without its own employees, focusing on getting the first products and customers in place. At the same time, they already have several development projects underway with partners in Sweden.

Launching a portfolio

In 2025, they plan to launch a product portfolio where customers can purchase seaweed in various forms, such as granules and pellets.

"With Manatee Biomaterials, we are unlocking the power of the ocean to meet the growing demand for new products in ways that reduce our environmental footprint and support healthy ecosystems," says Liselotte Tingvall, CEO of FutureLab & Partners, in a statement.

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